Friday, 30 May 2014

Onwards with better drive

Greetings I cannot believe that I have not posted since January especially when blogging has been simplified😳 
I am well and the knitting fever has disappeared for now. Before it did I managed to make a few hats 

and socks.
Fell in love with knitting socks. I had always thought that it was a hard thing to make but it turned out that they are extremely easy.

I also started a cardigan for my niece 

But I am now back to crochet. I have a drive to clear as much of my yarn stash as I can in this year. To achieve this I have been making and gifting afghans. I started with my nieces and nephews 
My aim has been to try maintaining the yarn colours used for each family 

The above were completed by Christmas. The next 2 were completed by the end of march 
This blanket was an absolute pleasure to make and the recipient one of my many nephews was extremely pleased with it. He insisted on his mother covering him with it the very night he had received it. It is a woven stitch found online via google search.
Prior to this I completed a blanket which I gifted to my older sister. It was made from yarn I had bought from Lidl. 
I am continuing with the making and gifting to my sisters. Once I'm done with them I will have to decide who I gift to next:) I have an idea but I would like to keep it secret. 
Here is a corner to corner also made for another of my sisters
The decision of who an afghan goes to is unknown to me when I start a project the idea tends to come to me as I sit there lost in the crochet rhythms. Suddenly it will come to me exactly who the afghan wants to go to and once that decision is made the process becomes more feverish and it becomes the case that I think of that person more when I am working on something for them. 
My favourite part of this afghan was the border. Love love love it very much. My sister tells me that every time she covers herself with it whilst watching tv, she ends up falling asleep because it is socomfortable  and warm.. 😂😂😂 made me laugh
This is not my most successful blogging but I will do better when I update you regarding other things I have been crocheting. I leave you with another picture of my corner to corner 

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