I place before you my lovely scarf which I finished earlier today. For those who check on me occasionally, thank you. I have created my own take on it cause I could not find the pattern anywhere so I looked at several pictures and did a bit of guess work. I love it and I am wearing it tomorrow for work. Oh yes I also made my niece a head warmer last night. She looks gorgeous in it but unfortunately I can show u a picture of her. All I can offer is a picture of the head warmer minus the owner who received it today.
Or so I thought until i discovered all the other crochet blogs out there. But hey, I felt so alone in my crochet so i thought i was one of the last few...
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Friday, 21 September 2012
Hello I am still working on the big granny I was talking about the other day but, as I walked out of the house yesterday, I was hit by the chill in the air. This got progressively worse as I took my daughter to school. It gave me an urge make something for myself. A pretty scarf just for me came to mind. I had 2 small balls of yarn. One was a gift from a friend who was getting rid of yarn. I had known from the first time I saw it that it would be made into flowers. Pulling this light blue yarn and the variegated yarn out of the drawer, I got going as soon as I got home. I browsed the web for a pattern but could not find a pattern for what I wanted. So I pulled images of the Japanese flower scarf and using this and my own ideas put this together. I got so obsessed I took it to a friends for coffee. I then carried on when I got back home. I kept making adjustments as I went along so not all the flowers are the same. And for those with a keen eye, u will see the point at which I was nearly running out of yarn whilst still trying to maintain some balance in the look of the finished item. I got so obsessed I missed supper. My bottom was aching by the time I got up. I think it was a success.
I had hoped to wear it to work today but, my little one is not well so I am taking her to the doctors this morning instead and no I cannot wear it as I am blocking it. I really need to make myself a blocking board.
I had hoped to wear it to work today but, my little one is not well so I am taking her to the doctors this morning instead and no I cannot wear it as I am blocking it. I really need to make myself a blocking board.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Weaving in - the worst part
I hate weaving ends in. I am eager to see the project finished but the ends are so many!!!! I've only managed 13/60 tonight.... Hopefully I will do double that number tomorrow. That is the one and only thing that might put me off granny squares. But even as I say that, I have a new idea...
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Work in Progress Stage 1 - The begining.
Greetings to you all. It has been a long time since i talked about one of my great loves...Crochet :)
So, as you may recall, I showed you 3 balls of yarn in blue, green and i think its called pink but it kind of looks red at times.

I promised that i would create something exciting.
i don't know if you will consider it so but I am having a great time doing it.
The only reason why it is not complete is because I am an expert at procrastination. I believe this stems from an unconcious discomfort with fun for myself. Maybe it has to do with being a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend. It makes me wonder... when am i really just me? when are you really just you with no obligations to anyone but yourself?
That is not to say that i dislike my life. I love all the people around me but my sense of obligation to them is overtaking any sense of me i may have had [last seen at when i was a little girl]. When did i last feel like me?
EEEEeeeeeeek!!! I digress....sorry....
Back to the story - stage 1: Having spent many an hour trawling the web checking out other peoples blogs, i decided to try and be methodical about how i worked. I have noticed that when working with more than one colour, many crocheters start by creating all the centres they will need. they then carry on in that manner adding one layer at a time to all the motifs they are working. I started with the centres. 20 in each colour.
I then started adding the next layer of colour to each set. The combination of colours and how they would work for each set came easily to me. It is hard to put into words but my brain made a decision and i followed it. As long as i did not think too hard on it, it made sense.
It was almost instinctive...
The way it all moved along so smoothly at this stage made it fun and exciting. Throughout the bank holiday weekend at the end of August, i worked away using every spare moment i had.
Before you knew it i was onto Stage 2 which was adding colour.
Stage 3 followed soon after.
As more of the squares neared their ending, i got even more excited.

It felt amazing!!! i though maybe i could be as good as some of the other crocheters out there. Maybe i could create something that would look good.
Before you know it my lovely squares..
...Were completed. total number = 60
Greetings to you all. It has been a long time since i talked about one of my great loves...Crochet :)
So, as you may recall, I showed you 3 balls of yarn in blue, green and i think its called pink but it kind of looks red at times.

I promised that i would create something exciting.
i don't know if you will consider it so but I am having a great time doing it.
The only reason why it is not complete is because I am an expert at procrastination. I believe this stems from an unconcious discomfort with fun for myself. Maybe it has to do with being a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend. It makes me wonder... when am i really just me? when are you really just you with no obligations to anyone but yourself?
That is not to say that i dislike my life. I love all the people around me but my sense of obligation to them is overtaking any sense of me i may have had [last seen at when i was a little girl]. When did i last feel like me?
EEEEeeeeeeek!!! I digress....sorry....
Back to the story - stage 1: Having spent many an hour trawling the web checking out other peoples blogs, i decided to try and be methodical about how i worked. I have noticed that when working with more than one colour, many crocheters start by creating all the centres they will need. they then carry on in that manner adding one layer at a time to all the motifs they are working. I started with the centres. 20 in each colour.
I then started adding the next layer of colour to each set. The combination of colours and how they would work for each set came easily to me. It is hard to put into words but my brain made a decision and i followed it. As long as i did not think too hard on it, it made sense.
It was almost instinctive...
The way it all moved along so smoothly at this stage made it fun and exciting. Throughout the bank holiday weekend at the end of August, i worked away using every spare moment i had.
Before you knew it i was onto Stage 2 which was adding colour.
Stage 3 followed soon after.
As more of the squares neared their ending, i got even more excited.

It felt amazing!!! i though maybe i could be as good as some of the other crocheters out there. Maybe i could create something that would look good.
Before you know it my lovely squares..
...Were completed. total number = 60
Total combinations 6.
Any mathematicians out there? I found myself thinking of permutations and combinations. I started to get a bit ahead of myself. A little bit of research told me i was getting in way over my head!!!! Did you know there is a formula for working out the most pleasing permutation or combination based on shapes that have been proved to be pleasing to the eye??? Neither did I. I wonder if i could restudy maths just to bring it into crochet....
Any ways all this blurb about permutations and combinations really started at the end of stage 2 so ignore my ramblings. How i resisted adding the final colour before this stage I do not know. I know i did not show you the 4th colour but you will see it soon. :)
To find out what happened next, please wait for my next blog....Stage 2 - The joining...
I am hoping to write it up tomorrow If i can resist doing what i am currently classifying as Stage 3 - The finishing
For those of you wondering how much yarn i am using see below
yarn type - Aran
300g per ball
One ball for each of the colours used above
3 balls of the mystery colour
Today is tomorrow for tomorrow never comes
How often have we kept our best china and utensils for that special day? Unfortunately there is never a day special enough or we are busy worrying about spoiling or breaking something we never use it. Before u know it they are inherited by you kids who do the same. It's special because it was mums so they rarely if ever use it. They pass it on to their kids and now it's on a pedestal cause it was grandmas.
Having broken one of my lovely china cups which were a gift I have never used, (given to me more than 3 years ago) I have decided my special day is everyday. I will eat my breakfast in the bowls and I will have my tea in the china cups. So today I did just that. Here I am about to have my morning tea as I crochet.
Having broken one of my lovely china cups which were a gift I have never used, (given to me more than 3 years ago) I have decided my special day is everyday. I will eat my breakfast in the bowls and I will have my tea in the china cups. So today I did just that. Here I am about to have my morning tea as I crochet.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Not to do with crochet but I want to lose weight and keep it off so I'm going raw for life
Not 100% raw . It is going to be 80% raw and 20% normal. This will allow for evenings out with the family as well as making me not feel under pressure to make sure every tiny little thing I eat is raw. As I start my journey, I'm also reading 80 10 10. Very interesting read. I have already lost 4pounds in 2 weeks. I will track my progress through this blog. If it gets too obsessive will create a new blog for it. But for now today u can see my breakfast (409 cals) and dinner (396 cals). Lunch was fruit equaling 487 cals. Final tally for the day 1292 plus an extra 50 cals I had forgotten. Wish me luck and I welcome positive feedback.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Bear with me...
Hello all who honour me by checking out my blog. I have not disappeared. I'm just busy at work trying to get a project finished. If u remember I showed you 3 lots of yarn. Well, I'm working away as quickly as I can in order that I can show you what I have made. Below is a small taste.
The full story plus picture will be shown once I have finished. Wishing you all a lovely crochet day 😊👍
I'm hoping to be done by the end of the week. 😊 can't wait 😊
The full story plus picture will be shown once I have finished. Wishing you all a lovely crochet day 😊👍
I'm hoping to be done by the end of the week. 😊 can't wait 😊
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