Monday, 30 July 2012

Simplicity and pleasure

In the process of creation, we often want to be amazing. We want to be like Picasso, Michelangelo. We want to match our heroes or others who have created works of art be it in crochet or any other form of art.
We forget that it is often during our "I can't be bothered, I will go for the basic" mood that we create pieces that others will love. Often, these are pieces we see as "rubbish, could be better, could have added....was too tired to think of anything better"
So why is it that others are more drawn to these pieces? Why are they not drawn to that amazing well balanced (colour wise) multi-dimensional afghan that was so challenging and yet so fulfilling to make. You look at it as your greatest project and yet it is bypassed for the joy and simplicity of the granny square you mucked up in a hurry whilst trying to reduce your yarn stash.
Just like great artists we are never happy with what we see as easy. And yet it is in the unconscious simplicity that we allow out mind to instinctively create a pleasing piece that will draw those who see it.
So, the next time someone complements you on what you consider to be your rush/ basic simple projects, say thank you and then look at it again.. For the secret of a good creation is within it.

After the Locs retightening

I decided to wander to the village green for a bit of crochet in the sun. My Current WIP was calling to me. So off we went for a bit of quiet creative time. It is amazing how quickly the hour went. It made me think that next time, I would take a flask of tea with me. That way I could have stayed longer.

After baking

I had to finish retightening my little Ts Locs. It always takes so long cause she hates having her hair done. Because of this we procrastinate and by the time we get round to it it takes a long time to do. Every time I do this, I always promise that next time I will get it done at 6 weeks but it never happens 😜

Baking time

So it was time to bake.

A busy but fairly productive day

Today I woke early in order that I could spend a few moments with my Mr before he went to work. Having worked yesterday, I was glad of the day off. I had grand plans to crochet all day. Unfortunately, reality is always knocking at my door. The house need a bit of a tidy. This ended up taking 2hours after which, I decided to bake.
I have a family that won't eat bananas that look like this.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

The work continues

I am currently working on a baby blanket for someone. I had given them a quote of how much it would cost based on the required amount of yarn and intricacy of the pattern. Well I am nearly half way through part 2 of the project and it is taking more yarn than expected. If you were in that situation what would you do? Well I spoke to the customer. Explained my dilemma, gave them 2 options.
1. Pay pre-quoted amount for smaller blanket or
2. Pay recalculated amount for full size blanket.
Well she chose option 2 so I am looking forward to seeing the finished product by the end of the coming week.

Friday, 27 July 2012


Does anyone else have difficulties drinking water? Even when I am thirsty it is still a mental struggle for me to reach out and take a sip. By the time I give in it is so bad that I drink too much. Sometimes I even reach for food when what I really want is a drink!!!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Hula Hooping

My second love is hooping. Discovered in adulthood I love it to bits. I find that it is a great de- stressor. Makes me happy everytime I do it :) you should try it.

A review of a WIP (aka work in progress)

I was not going to blog then thought of the fact that I have just spent over an hour just browsing other people's blogs such as
I also love she has amazing colours! I plan to try an use such colours in the future. For now, I have a baby blanket order I am working on. I started by doing the 80 centres required. I am now in the process of adding the surround and joining as I go. I am using a pattern from one of the leisure art pattern books. I should have added at least 5 squares today but I hooped then procrastinated. On
The plus side is I spent time with the family.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Grab every moment

Often we forget that every moment in life is an opportunity to do, to absorb, to be. I spent part of my 30 minute lunchtime doing something I love 😊

Monday, 23 July 2012

Olympic fever in Croydon

Inspite of myself I got caught up in it 😊 the bands the whistles etc... But what amazed me the most was the technology. Wherever you look people had cameras and phones out to capture the moment. You could not help but get swept away by the energy and the buzz of it all. I wish my little one had been here to see it all. She is soooo desperate to see the torch in person. It breaks my heart that she has missed this opportunity. If only I was a stay at home mum 😔


In the last few weeks,i have come to the realisation that,Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. Capture it or lose it. Hence my stopping to take a picture of this tiling on my drive home.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Today in the park

Second try to get some pictures up.

Today was a beautiful day. I spent some of it in the park hooping and playing... Yes I know I am a grown woman but I still like to play. We hula hooped ( my second passion), played catch, raced, hooped some more, tried cartwheels and crab(almost got it). That took an hour and a half of my day. I was with my sister, daughters niece and nephew.
Sorry for getting sidetracked but it is part of my day. We came back, and that is when crochet came into action.
Below is today's result
Simplicity is not what it turned out to be. I chose to use two colours which led to a lot of weaving in to be done!!!! It almost used up as much time as it took to make the square. Oh yes, all the cutting and re-adding the yarn every few stitches was time consuming so all I did today was 1 square


Believe it or not, I have been trying to get into my blog for the last hour!!! All my plans to tell u loads have been scuppered. Ok all I can say is I have a lot of projects on the go. Today I was working on the Krista crochet group square a week challenge. This is my first week in and I have managed to make 4 squares see pics. Enjoy I will comment more on the individual squares another day
Eek!!!! Now I cannot upload the pictures!!!
Today was such a wonderful day and now it is all falling apart!!!!
Ok I will post this and see if I can sort out the pictures in another post.
Sheesh it is way past my bedtime!! And I'm working tomorrow !!!