I spent so much time ranting and raving in my last post and then the silly thing did not upload when i wanted it to!!! talk about wasted energy and steam.
well my purpose in starting this blog was to fight for all crochet lovers living in the UK. Are you like me, constantly on the look out for new ideas, books, equipment to make those brand new ideas? well if you are welcome to my world. My new craze is creating beautiful yummy looking afghans using the tunisian crochet stitch and incoorperating pictures into it as i go. Can i find any clear instructions anywhere no - so it looks like i am going to have to work it out myself. I have tried to find books on cropoint ordered some but they have not arrived 3 weeks later grrrrrr. go into any UK craft shop and they can tell you all about knitting but when i start talking about crochet on the double, crochet-knitting, croknit, double ended crochet hooks no one has a clue they just look at me blankly then tell me i am too advanced for them!!!!!! HHHAAAA ME ADVANCED!!!!! I .... DONT.....THINK .....SO so follow me as i struggle to learn that which no one else will teach me. Before anyone suggests it, yes i have tried the libraries and i could only find one book in the whole county and i am sure it is not going to give me any new ideas i dont already know. ;-(
what a way to start a blog ;-)> welcome to my blog hope to upload previous projects soon.